Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Well I'm back. Missed me? No I'm not hunting, but doing a ot of writing. My critique group, along with my new follower from Dunn's named Kevin, gave me the push needed to start blogging again. I'm going to try to write about my writing on Thursdays and blog about hunting/life stuff on Tuesdays. That's my plan. I'm usually good about following, wouldn't wan to disappoint anyone.

My one query has been getting a lot of takers, yet dropping after read. One agent didn't see it as a MG. Per agent request, I took my midde grade of 11,000 words down to 888 in four days. It was a cool challenge. Sent the new picture book off to the agent. Yesterday in her email, she felt there was not enough to support pictures. I took a hit, and felt bummed, but on the other hand, she is giving me another chance. I'm surprised and blessed at the same time.

My critique group lifted my spirits, and the same day I began a TOTALLY new picture book with the same premise, just a different story line. Brought it to critique today, the group LOVED it. Dee couldn't believe I was able to turn it around so fast. I left critique feeling good and relieved. The new picture book is at almost 600-words. I will take a week off from it, revise then send it back to the agent. If this pans out the way I hope, then it will be a terrific story to tell.

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