Friday, September 30, 2011

Opening Season!

Bow season is here! I'm miserable that I cannot hunt the first day. I'm off to a writing confence all day Saturday. Will travel around 4 pm,get there around 6:30 which will be a wash for hunting that night. Will only be able to do a Sunday hunt, so don't forget to check my blog, since I will be blogging as I'm in my NEW favorite deer stand. I am so excited. Will get out there no later than 4 am. The nights will be cool, so I'm hoping there will be a lot of activity. I hope I'm going to see the big one. Crockett is getting my area ready with minerals and such.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Congrats Murphyfish!

Glad to see the boys picking it up this week. Aaron took a quick second. The first arrow was made out of pine. Who would've thunk it?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Take this you thieves. Unsure why photo didn't load this weekend. New iPhone.


Sorry folks, I'm so late with question, Nana sitting my 7 month old grandbaby. Here goes...Bow season opens this weekend, SO excited.

In honor of opening season, What was the first arrow made of around 10,000-9000 BC?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Everything's bigger in Texas!

Take that you thieves. This is a broken cam. Have a new one in another location. I would LOVE to catch them.
This is what you get when sparks fly from a lawnmower. Broken metal coming from a previous damage to mower. So was my fault  

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Took an early morning ride. found one our cams were stolen. Ticked me off. Someone was probably dove hunting, saw the cam as evidence and took it. Just finished unpacking a haul from a monthly rental. It's heating up quick out here.
We woke up to this. We don't even own a cow.


Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ladies Are Killing the Big Bucks Questions

Congrats to Brook-5 and Dee-4!
Broadheads are the tips to an arrow. There are two main types of broadheads used by hunters: The fixed-blade and the mechanical types. The fixed-blade broadhead keeps its blades rigid and unmovable on at all times. The mechanical broadhead deploys its blades upon contact, its blades swinging out to wound the target. The mechanical head flies better because it is more streamlined, but has less penetration as it uses some of the kinetic energy in the arrow to deploy its blades.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Oh boy, I realized it was Wednesday but didn't realize it was Wednesday. Does that make sense? Here it is...since it is so late I'm going to make it easy.
What is a broadhead? Keep it clean folks.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011

New Cam Pics Are Up, Take A Look At A Big Buck!


Wow, I have some pretty smart followers. Great job, Aaron-5, Anna-4, Brook-3 and Dee!
Ears in alert position are approximately 13 inches apart and may be used to judge the inside spread.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


What is the legal inside spread of a buck in the state of Texas?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tomorrow morning look for Wednesdays Big Buck Question for a chance to win a gift January 2012!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

My new view.
Two peeps, a tractor and it's up!

So much poison ivy in here. I'm doomed for another bout. Please no!

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Laying on four wheeler waiting for Crockett to return with a nut for my bolt.

Finally coming along! Academy opened one of their boxes to get me the directions. So nice of them. Then come back the following weekend to find the directions sitting on the counter. That's a grrr...moment.

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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Forgot to mention, worse part of hunt, gun locked up three times! Wouldn't load third bullet. Weird.
So stinks. Crockett killed four and found two. I killed three, found thorns and poison ivy. Only a handful of doves come onto the property, so we're lucky to get what we get. Also, our property is too thick. We have no open fields. Had fun but SO irritated I couldn't find them. Going again tomorrow if time!

Are you kidding me? No way.

3 doves down.

3 doves down. I don't have any idea how I plan to find them. Where is Fido when you need him!

Dove Hunting

In the brush Dove hunting. Shot my first ever! Now to find it in this thicket. Like a needle in a haystack!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Who's following me to the BRR this weekend?

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Dee you earned your bucks this week! Brook good second.
The protected birds during Dove season are the Red-billed Pigeon, Inca Dove,Ground Dove and the Band-tailed Pigeon.A fine for shooting a protected bird in the state of Texas is between $25-$500 per bird. I guess it depends on how ticked off the Game Warden is that day!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Since we are in Dove season, I'd thought I'd keep with the theme.

Can you name one out of the four birds that are protected under Texas state law and illegal to shoot?

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Finally done! Amazing how much you can get done on a rainy night.
Spent two hours sitting on a bucket seeing nothing but Blue Jays and Cardinals. Starting to rain pretty bad, time to get off and come back later.

My rifle.

Damn you rain!

I'm waiting. I'm waiting.

I'm waiting. I'm waiting.



And here we go!

And here we go!

Putting out two new decoys. Very windy today and surprisingly cool.

Getting dressed for my first

Getting dressed for my first real dove hunt! So excited.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Dove Season Is Open

Off to Broken Road, having a full house, 6 kids & 2 friends. Hopefully will get to shoot some Doves. We don't have many so it will be a long shot if I get something. Wish me luck! Keep in touch and follow me to BRR.


Everyone had some different and great answers. What I would really love in a stand, is a comfy chair with a stool! I can't chose, so everyone that answered will earn five bucks!