Sunday, September 29, 2013


I'm ready, but the weather isn't cooperating. The weather is dumping a bucket of rain our way which infringed on the hunt. On the plus side it'll fill up our empty lake. I'll definitely be out there next weekend. I can't wait to use my bow. Let's hope there are some deer. Look for my next post on Wednesday.
 Right Now                                              Tonight
Light Rain
Scattered T-Storms
Light Rain
Locations nearby are reporting thunderstorms.
Scattered T-Storms
Past 24-hr Precip:
1.16 in (est.)
Chance of Rain
Chance of Rain

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Texas Early Teal Hunting Season Opens

Open the link to explore the sounds and learn all about this beautiful duck. Texas Teal hunting season only open from September 14-29th.
Blue-winged Teal | National Audubon Society Birds
adult male

Rained Out

We had plenty of rain yesterday. We're expecting more today. So this weekend is a total wash.  The season starts next Friday. We have company up until Sunday morning. We're biting our nails trying to get out. So we are attempting a Sunday evening hunt on the 29th, and then Monday morning. We can't go to our lease in Columbus since they don't allow bow hunting there, bummer.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Poor Cabo is sick.

I smell like sweat, wearing a white t-shirt, skin exposed, pink hat and I catch this for five minutes while standing in the open. Then her friend gave me away! This made my day!

Crockett, "Where's my mallet?"
This is why Crockett has 10,547 duplicate set of tools.

Love my boots.

It's my break time. Aw...Crockett got it for me while he works.
Crockett and I can't agree. I say new stand here, with woodsy backdrop.

He says here, exposed and the deer laughing at placement.

You decide.
Next up, moving stand day.

If I was a deer I'd eat this stuff up. The smell is so delish.

My first time using tractor.
Not my best handiwork. Lawnmowers fault.

Third food plot. Hogs tore this sucker up. Knocked it right off its legs. Geez!

Dumped oodles of corn looking for one bitty needed washer.
Changing out motor on feeder

Short life span

It's Lovebug season.