Saturday, October 29, 2011
Still nothing. Ran off two does earlier in the day while on tractor.
Crockett texts, "Omg!" I bet it's the big guy. Now I'm ticked laying here!
He just text me saying he is going to move to a different stand if he doesn't see something soon.
Crockett is out at BRR in his Tri-pod stand. Of course he wouldn't dare be in my new stand. Says, it's not too cold, no breeze.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Congrats Dee!
Are you a hunter? You seem to know all the answers!
It is called flehmening. It helps the buck determine the presence or absence of estrus, the overall physiological state of the doe, and how long ago she was in the area.
And by the way I owe you 5 bucks from last time.
It is called flehmening. It helps the buck determine the presence or absence of estrus, the overall physiological state of the doe, and how long ago she was in the area.
And by the way I owe you 5 bucks from last time.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
A buck will smell a doe's urine and then lift his head and curl his upper lip, which concentrates the doe's urine at the vomeronnasal organ, a.k.a. Jacobson's organ, located at the roof of the mouth. What is this called?
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
2nd Knee Surgery Tomorrow
Crockett is planning to hunt this weekend, so I am going to try to text cell to cell which he hates, to get a play by play of what he is seeing.
I hope to get in the stand the following weekend. That is my goal.
I hope to get in the stand the following weekend. That is my goal.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Welcome to my new follower, Littledrumm and Tigger's.
My Apologies
My knee surgery took a turn for the worst and have been unable to get anything done with these crutches. I very much apologize for no Big Bucks Question on Wednesday. Nor did I get to go to BRR due to the surgery. I was not aloud to drive long distances. I have not had the energy to post cam pictures yet but promise to try tomorrow. Crockett was able to go up for the day and brought me back some more SD cards. I WILL be back.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Unbelievable Product
Out of Commision
I am so sorry about missing Big Bucks Question yesterday. I will get it up asap. Also, will post new cam pics. My knee surgery turned to a diagnosed leg blood clot. So my apologies to all my followers.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Done. Until next weekend. Remember to answer Big Buck question on Wednesday's for a chance to win a prize in January.
Okay, my friends sorry for the last entry. I was trying to test if it was posting this am. By the looks of it, it has. So happy now.
It is terrible when you spend hours in a stand and see nothing. We only have 115 acres, so we don't have an abundant of deer.
I can be a mannequin in a department store window. My neck is about to fall off. You have to move so slow and stay so steady.
Crockett didn't go out today. Didn't want to leave the youngest boys alone in the cabin. So here is my big chance to get with my bow. Plus, a great story to tell, bum knee and a score.
Morning is perfect. Hardly a breeze, not to hot. Woke up to a cloudy sky, no moon so makes the morning even better. Feeder went off, scared the crap out of me. I know it's going off but still gets me everytime.
Morning is perfect. Hardly a breeze, not to hot. Woke up to a cloudy sky, no moon so makes the morning even better. Feeder went off, scared the crap out of me. I know it's going off but still gets me everytime.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Leaned back too quickly, sounded like someone fell out of a tree. Then snorting bad! Sounded like a HUGE deer. I can't believe I didn't see it. Crockett saw four healthy does but couldn't move. They were eyeing him the whole time.
Well at least it gave me time to think of my next plot line for my children's manuscript. I have title, plot and story line all planned out. This week, I write.
I should just close my eyes and pretend I'm sleeping because that's when they usually showip.
Crows are letting each other know that there is major corn sitting here @ $9.50 a bag and we better get to it before the hogs cause this hunter's not going to see a thing!
Ants 1-hunter slapped the back of her bad knee to keep from the attack. I am in so much pain right now. Crockett didn't think this was a good idea. Might he bee right. I'm not going to tell. Ouchie!
Damn, now one on those ants were hunting on my lap. Oh, it's on.
Just got bit in my pant leg by an aggressive Texan ant. They're not like New York ants. We're friendly.
I just noticed, I think I need Porcelana. Bet you don't know what that is?
Not sure what I'm going to see with this ten mile an hour wind. Deer can't hear their enemies with the ruffle of these trees.
I don't like these sheets of netting that I have to spear through. Makes it difficult to see & shoot.
Im in. It's 95,000 degrees in this Texas sun driven blind. And it stinks in here of dog doo. Hope that's not me.
An hour left before I get into blind and honestly feel like doo doo. I left Crockett to finish setting up blind. I'm resting until.
Sorry, peeps Crockett was too tired to set up my new blind. We arrived at Broken Road about 10 and he didn't want to do it. I was beat from the drive and had no energy, so sleeping in worked for me. Plus, full moon last night, so they were doing their night time feeding. They'll sleep all day and feed this pm. I promise I will be out around 3:30 this afternoon. Check out live play by play blogging then.
Sorry, peeps Crockett was too tired to set up my new blind. We arrived at Broken Road about 10 and he didn't want to do it. I was beat from the drive and had no energy, so sleeping in worked for me. Plus, full moon last night, so they were doing their night time feeding. They'll sleep all day and feed this pm. I promise I will be out around 3:30 this afternoon. Check out live play by play blogging then.
Friday, October 7, 2011
To Hunt or Not to Hunt, That Is The Question

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Thursday, October 6, 2011
Great job my little Jedi Brook. Deb, would love to see some of your dad's stuff. You're on the board now. I am so impressed with the ladies.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
No one knows the answer for this weeks question? Bummer.
Big Bucks Contest Question
What is a Fletchings purpose to a bow?
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Just took out my Nikon Pro-state yard gauge. Deer were 60 yards away!
I think it's comical. I'm here in the thick of the woods and the two deer are walking on the main road.
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Decided-if a doe shows i'm taking her. Going to be laid up after Monday's knee surgery. Will no be able to get on this stand. Going to be in ground blind and that bites.
Two does-looked like tic and tock about forty yards out on an outside path. It was a fluke that I saw them.
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Million dollar question-do I shoot a buck or doe with my bow? There is a limit in Tyler county. Do I choose to get anything just to say I got something with my bow? And before Crockett does?
A couple times so far, my heart was pounding. Thought I heard a big one. But honestly, deer are like magical ballerinas. One moment nothing, and then they pop into sight. Deer really make no hoof sound in the woods, they're so light on their feet. It's those big ass crows flying from tree to tree!
And here we go! Cool,cool morning. So nervous and excited @ the same time.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Crockett went out a.m. and p.m. and saw nothing. I hope tomorrow a.m. is successful for me. Keep following play by play.
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