Sunday, November 28, 2010

Took a minnie nap woke up to nothing.
In stand late. Crockett and I thought we'd outsmart these bucks by doing a mid-morning hunt. Saw eight does driving to land at 8:25. I don't know what good I'm going to be, got to cough some and I need to blow my nose a lot. My sinuses are burning!

Friday, November 26, 2010

10 More minutes, then time to shutdown.
I am hunting at the crossing, where Davey Crockett took two does last weekend. I believe the deer can sense lingering smell of death in area so they stay away.
I don't know what's worse, snorting or waving around a white tissue.
Ah...nature. Just watched a very young woodpecker with my binoculors. Come 5:30 and the hunt will be over. Hopefully I see something soon. Geez my sinuses are killing me.I did bring tissues!
If I was a deer I wouldn't go out in this windt weather. And it is wicked cold, even with the sun out.

Isn't this pretty?

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Crockett tells me that I am supposed to sit here and appreciate the outdoors, but how much outdoors can a person take? A tree is a tree, and then another tree. I think there should be some kind of deer fashionshow. To sit here for three or four hours without seeing a thing drives me crazy!
Noticed when I put out taste test, old corn sitting around, not a good sign
Just got in stand. Not sure if I will c anything, too windy. In stand without feeder. Put out some taste test mix that Crockett put together.
It's raining. Betcha any minute it will be snowing.
No ones coming for breakfast. Oh my toes are so cold.

So cold and sleepy.

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Great starting to sprinkle. What smart buck is going to come out in this weather?
Crockett got me this Mossy hand muffle this week. A blessing. No gloves my hands are like toast. Feet, not so much. Do they make muffles for them?
I need a tissue!!!
In stand, out, no shelter from what feels like 20 mph winds. Don't know how I am going to keep quiet with all my snot snorting and drip cough.
Sicker than a dog(not really understand that saying, makes no sense, have we ever seen a sick dog. Going out in five minutes, 40 degrees, windy. The only thing positive, rained last night and pitch dark. Not looking forward to sitting on a wet cold seat. Crockett asked me what I wanted to do. What was I thinking? Nice warm bed, blankets up to my neck. Hmm...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Sorry guys, was too sick to get out there this am. Definitely will get out there in the am tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

If no rain, will be out tomorrow Thanksgiving morning hunting for my buck. Come check me out through Sunday.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

xDidn't go hunting this a.m. Got my doe so for this weekend I was pretty content. Last night was a full moon, so wasn't sure if a buck would show. Davy Crockett scored two does last night, so we chose to sleep in. Next hunt Wednesday through Thanksgiving. Check me out then.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

I'm tellig you from my experience, squirrels are the comedians of the forest.

This evenings view.
In new stand for an evening hunt. It is very narrow. Seen Diablo here last year. Got out so late. We had visitors, the kids were starving. Looking for a buck tonight. Had a great morning. No expectations tonight.
Texas Game Warden said she was 3.5 years old. Had my lucky hat on from last years doe. Also had my non~squeaky bra on. Think that helped!
Lucy and Ethal came into my field at around 6:30. Lucy took a look at me smelled the air, then ran, stopped thn snorted. She decided to leave the plot without stopping to eat. She stopped sideways around 60 yards out. Sited her, then shot at Lucy. She ran crashing through the woods. Searched the woods and found her. It was awesome!
Going over to the processors now. Will get an age on her shortly.

Got her!
Lucy and Ethal arrived from the right. Lucy was spooked. Started running off. Finally 100 yards out, she stopped. I took her. Now let's hope I got her
Okay, voting time. Last day to take a doe in Tyler County is the 28th of this month. This weekend, should I take a doe or wait on the buck? What say you? Please comment on my blog.
Geezum crow, again the feeder almost gave me a heart attack.
In stand. Missed my Mickey Dees. They were closed. Got an awesome sleeve of dried chocolate donuts. That should last me an hour. Weather is perfect. Pitch dark and slightly cool. Here we go.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Follow me  this weekend. Will be hunting all weekend on our property in Colemesneil, Texas.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Going out this weekend for the hunt in Colemesneil, Texas. Don't forget to follow me!
Pulled into the garage last nite. Crockett had bought 7 huge bags of feed to do trial runs for making our own brand of feed for the deer. It was way crazy. I was just looking to buy a bag of peanuts and some apples.

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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Awesome activity. The oldest doe looked out into the woods and stomped. She moved quickly out of area, then came back. She stomped some more, then wanted to go the way she came in. Took her two does with her,ducked and ran off. Something spooked her. Could put money on it, was that massive buck.

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Two of them enjoying the protein.

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Almost quitting time. Where is he?! Does still feeding.

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I tell you one second nothing than three does appear. Young girls. Glad to have some company.

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Boy, I think I was just plain lucky to see that massive buck last Friday. Wish I had the shot that day.

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Geezum there is only so much inactvity a girl can take...uh just started raining and Crockett is out in an open blind. Sorry.

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Getting darker and colder real fast. Here bucky, bucky.

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Okay, I am still learning. Crockett (a.k.a., my husband Dave) told me that the coon urine is not to be put on like perfume. A scent pad is usually dipped in it and hung to hide the hunter's scent, or they might put it on the soles of their shoes. Yeah, no thanks.

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I never realized how loud my bra is. I know that sounds strange, but when I move I can hear it. It realy is LOUD.

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Big Bucks, Big Bucks no wammies!

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Got my lucky shirt on.
In stand, got my favorite stand once again. Ah, the ritz! Temp around 55, cloudy, wind just started picking up. C'mon buck.

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Friday, November 12, 2010

Goodbye Columbus.

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A Look through my binoculors using my cell!
An ah ha moment. The fence, it goes around the entire feeder. It is to keep out the hogs. The buck didn't care to put in the effort to job in, bummer. Geezum crow, the sliding window scared me to death. It freakin fell!

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To think I could have had an enormous rack in my hand today would've been a highlight of my life. Grrr...

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Why, why, why? Just give me the one trophy. I won't ever ask again :(

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HUGE buck came in. I was shaking that I couldn't keep my binoculors steady to count points! I'm still shaking. He never stopped but once dead on, would've been a poor shot. Damn! I wanted it so bad. What a rack!

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Voting time-which item is more gross, the coon urine or just the thought of what they might use the toilet paper for. I can think of at least three gross uses for the TP. What say you? Vote now.

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Now who would want to drench themselves with this? Yeah, I'll pass.

We're waiting, and waiting.

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Now Crockett (call him that because he has a knack with nature and animals), well he in formed that it is 1 spike &1 trophy per membership. Now let's see which one of us will get trophy?

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Okay, just talked with Davey Crockett, my husband(Dave). He is in tripod stand. He saw three does. I asked why he didn't take one. Well he JUST informed me that this is a one spike and one trophy ONLY lease. you need to know!

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Just mistaked a squirrel for a deer. Not sure how one does that.

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Me, blind happy!

This what I see if Istretch.

This what I see.
101 yards minimally to feeder, 109 max.

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Sky is just starting to brighten the area. Wish me luck!

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Only negative so far, I cant see over these windows! I am too short.

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One definitely needs a compass to get in and out of here.

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Unbelievable ground blind. I am sitting in a business chair, leather. There is a place to put my bag. It's clean! A truck was here before us, thought they were going to take it first. Yet I walked off my Taquito to get here.

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I am off to our lease in Columbus, Texas for a morning hunt. Forty minutes from Katy, Texas. I hope I see something!

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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Well my time here is about over. Heard 14shots, none of them mine. Until next time. Might be writing from our lease in Columbus, Texas next weekend. Thanks for following.

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Don't think deer got the time change memo. Need to let them know.

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Deadsville. Think I should have taken that extra hour. My eyeballs feel frosty.

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Heard a hog!

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Do you think deer go to church on Sundays, because there's no deer here?

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Let's see, choices. I could of had an extra hour of sleep or look like this freezing my bezukies.
In stand, little to late, sun was coming up. It's cold bit a bit warmer than yesterday, still nippy.

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Saturday, November 6, 2010

And he's gone. He is beautiful. He tip-toed right out of here. Great evening hunt. Not but a slight movement in the air. Heard about13 shots today. Almost time to say goodnight. And by the way CORN one in the taste test.

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Lucky returned and is in my backyard right this second.
My heart is racing, not sure if it is for the possibility of a buck or too much Diet Dr.Pepper at lunch.

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My view from the deer stand. Are you ready?

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This what I look like during my four hour stints.

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I've come to a conclusion. Squirrels are the most noisiest forest animal. Thought you should know if you ever wondered or the question came up in a trivia game.

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This is the stand I melted my mounds on. Sun should go down by 6:30 since the time change is tomorrow.

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My 243

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Have you checked out my new pictures of my "DEER FRIENDS"?

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In same first stand as this morning. I complained this morning about not shooting Fric and Dave said I'm not a trash hunter. He's says to work on the buck for opening season. If I really want to I can take doe tomorrow morning. The temperature is so beautiful right now.

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back in the stand. put some alfalfa blocks out, let's do a TASTE TEST once again. how many of you say CORN and how many ALFALFA?

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omgosh i need the potty!

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i am so frustrated for my stupidity of not bringing my license. will drive back and get it, only 20 minutes away, just nonsense. geez my toes, can't feel them.

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My 243
omgosh so much since 7:45. Fric and Frac showed up, seen before. looks like mama and baby. had a great shot on mama for a long time. hubby said cant take a doe this am, because i forgot my drivers license. angry, my fault. well after 20 minutes they were spooked. thought could be buck. five minutes later Lucky shows up. not legal, that is why he is named Lucky.just to think i could have taken Frac and been in a warm car by now. oh my finger tips are killing me!

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four shots heard within five minutes of each other. mine are still sleeping I guess. geez i can't feel the tips of my fingers!

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geez that feeder, i know it's going to go off, yet the darn thing still scares the begesits out of me

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no moon, 35 degrees, no wind, perfect morning for opening of rifle season

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and here we go, 6:30am

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Friday, November 5, 2010

Okay people, I am off to Colemesneil to our property for a weekend of hunting. Wish me luck. Hopefully I will see something. Follow me up until Sunday at noon.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Heard Rut is happening as we speak. On for a few more days. Do I drive 2 1/2 hours to go on a morning hunt?

Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween, have to hang around at home with the kiddos. Would have been great weather to hunt.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

I'm done in 10 minutes. weather this wekend just not cooperating, 69 this am ad sure itis up over 70 now. birds and squirrels are loving it. i feel some cold air?

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My BACK!!!

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still in stand. rain has lightened up some. these type pf mornimgs,rain, i love to just sleep in. it is making me so sleepy right now. i can hardly stay awake. i am in the stamd i hunted last night.

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you are so not going to believe this...rain

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

well a lot has happened. around 6:30 three does behind the tall weeds. one left, other two stayed but kept hiding. one very small doe peeked her head out to feed on some corn. i was looking to take the larger one. finally small doe came out i contemplated to take her, it was getting dark quick. i decided i would. i had been holding my boi pulled ba, had her in view, then held my bow in my left hand for 30 minutes,wind was shaking me and my heart was pounding. in a split second she turned on me, so now she was looking me dead on, not a good shot, and i am still in a pulled position for what seemed like forever. she finally turned after a bit, my arma tired. split second she and the other get spooked and i am left with nothing.

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last night full moon, this afternoon windy city. I'm guessing tomorrow rain?

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is there a category one hurricane here in Colmesneil, Texas that i was not informed of? the wind is crazy. stand is swaying.

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yep, i was right, my hornet friend lives in this stand-nice!

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i get like a child on my afternoon hunts-so fidgety.

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it is so windy out here, if i shot my bow with a 100% acuracy i'd probably miss with this cross wind.

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Video of my weather update.

see that white thing off to the right of my seat back? what the heck is it. looks like a fossil. i am not touching it with my stick!

This is his dining den.
gezzum crow, tried to take a picture of him and he flew out!

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omgosh i do no lie. a hornet is hovering around my stand and i am 20 feet up. he finally landed, not kidding with a light green insect in his claws. he now is feasting in the freaking metal tubing of my stand! a foot away from my body, which i didnt tell you is attached to a tree. good time.

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i forgot to mention-a new tool i take with me in the stand. a stick to collect all the dang spiderwebs that are covering every place i have to sit and touch-ick.

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back in a different stamd late start. had to finish putting a Moultrie feeder together. my 5th one. have two like this. has a 30 gallon feeder with the programmer. one of the easiest i have put together. also have put together 4 stands. i can probably get a job at any sorting good store in the country.

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omgosh i am typing and all i can see are these little red dots all over my hands. then i notice a tiny mosquito-great-I've just been eaten alive!

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i find it somewhat amazing, that u could have stomach cramps, aching back,and a sore butt and you can somehow shut your eyes for a two second cat nap.

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i swear i think deer where slippers. @7:15 turned left than a quick right. two does. one was tiny. it was a mom and her baby, i wluldn't dare take the momma. they stayed for 30 minutes. it made my day since i thought this moring would be a loss. i'm happy i saw somethig!

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damn why do i eat those mcbiscuits!

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hopefully the deer will pass my way before going to bed. geezum that darn feeder almost made me drop my phone!

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the deer would have ha to b blind last night in order to not feed. the moon is so full and bright that i can read. and the deer must have been out in there bikinis because it is 70 degrees out here this morning. perect whether to go hunting, NOT! also there is something that is creeping behind me. hopefully it doesn't know how to climb!

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Friday, October 22, 2010

Primos Swamp Donkey Crushed Attractant, 6 lbs.We found over 5 deer at this one food plot going crazy over this stuff.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

Sorry folks not hunting this weekend. Got a garage saleto make some money to finish our cabin, then step son is American Italian Idol in Houston. But definitely next weekend.

Check out other pages on posts!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

almost fell out of stand during my cat nap! cutting my morning hunt short if i don't see something in 15 minutes. if you don't hear from me soon with news, good; good bye weekend two.
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wow, i hear coyotes.

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Desperate times call for ugly desperate measures. do i even have this thing on right? where are those directions when you need them?
6:30 Am , the morning birds have now taken center stage in place of the night crickets.

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Saturday, October 9, 2010

they must smell me, because i can REALLY smell me.

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15 min. be for dusk and then to hard to make a shot. so frustrated, want to pick up every last grain of feed and run.

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recorded through cam, 5 deer here at this time, now not a soul.

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OMgosh, it is so HOT out here!

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squirrel caught me face to face in his tree and had this look on his face that said, 'what????!!'

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30 more minutes, then off to breakfast, back in the stand by 3.

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come on, not even a mouse is in my food plot! what gives. no moon last night. no wind. corn plus an added snack of banana and my company. what more could the deer want. i need lotion on my hands, they look dry. just saying.

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feeling the egg mcmuffin. my husband said i am not getting the full effect of hunting doing this blogging thing from the stand. my back is killing me, no bathroom breaks, scenery doesn't change, and I have to act like astatue for four hours, i think i am getting the full effect.
got a taste test happening this morning, fresh banana or boring deer corn. got a bet with my husband on this one.
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645 The air is still & silent. the texas stars vanish as the sun rises. the silence broken by the birds calls. do i sound like a writer?

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Friday, October 8, 2010

Going bow hunting, please read up on posts as much as you can. Should be fun.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Saturday, October 2-Sunday,October 3, 2010

Today I will be going home empty handed. Until next time. See you next weekend!

Spook is back, my legal spiked buck, at 7:15 having breakfast alone. He is beautiful. Yes I always name the ones I wait on. Last year it was my a spike named Diablo.
October 3 at 6:59am via Mobile Web
Just woke from 5 minute nap, no deer.October 2 at 5:42pm via Mobile Web
It is so darn hot up here. Great stand for mornings. Hot afternoon Texas sun, not so much. My mounds and I are melting.October 2 at 4:31pm via Mobile Web October 2 at 3:57pm via Mobile Web
Hope deer like coconut. I just couldn’t resist my mounds.
3pm back in stand. From my Wild game and Cuddeback Cams this is the meeting place for their deer parties. So windy, stand is swaying.October 2 at 3:28pm via Mobile Web
Don’t have internet on my cell. Do you think this is costing me a fortune?
I am going to kill these squirrels. I think they are working with the deer to throw me off
Just about this time my undiagnosed add starts to kick in. Do u think chomping on a bag of peanuts is too much?
Family of cardinals breathtaking. Saw owl at sunrise. Heard a turkey call, yet no more deer. Grrr
Sitting in the stand since 6. Out here with my Diamondback bow. Saw a little buck at 8:30 couldn’t take with my bow, 65 yards, legal spike. Seemed young. October 2 at 9:07am via Mobile Web
October 2 at 9:12am via Mobile Web
October 2 at 9:25am via Mobile Web October 2 at 9:24am via Mobile Web
October 2 at 9:28am via Mobile Web
In same stand as yesterday. Saw a legal spike at 6:45 last night didn’t take him. Too young, will make a nice rack for next year. Last night left oodles of corn on ground. Gone today. “Hey guys, it’s 6:45, she’s gone. Dinner time!” Grrr… wish me luck.
October 3 at 7:27am via Mobile Web
Who designs these stands anyways? Let’s think about this, you’re butt, on top of a wet sponge, then a nice cold piece of metal. Four hours of complete bliss. Sounds like a job design for the ladies. Oh my kidneys!
October 3 at 9:06am via Mobile Web October 3 at 8:24am via Mobile Web